Heart Heros


Patient Stories

In January 2010 I discovered that I was expecting my third child.  At 22 weeks I went for a routine check at the feotal assessment centre, where an examination of the baby was done. It was at this point doctors discovered that our baby had a very rare heart disorder. The following week the baby…

Cataleya is translated to mean beautiful flower. The first flower to bloom in her mother, Lorraine’s garden. “A gift given from God,” says Lorraine, emotional and overwhelmed as she reflects on her and her daughter’s CHD journey. Cataleya arrived on the 4th of April 2016 and it was only at a check-up four months after…

Little Luhan’s Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) was discovered when he was one day old. It was thought that the hole between the two lower chambers of his heart was insignificant in size and his parents were told “to not worry; that there was nothing much to do; it’s too small and not dangerous”. Alicia and…