The Paediatric Cardiac Society of South Africa (PCSSA) is an organisation of physicians, surgeons, scientists and allied professionals with an interest in the study and care of children with heart diseases. Its mission is to improve the care of children with heart disease by promoting research, education, and training and through assisting the development of optimal healthcare policies and standards.
The name of the society shall be “THE PAEDIATRIC CARDIAC SOCIETY OF SOUTH AFRICA – a special interest group of SA Heart Association”
The society has been established not for gain and is and shall continue to be a body corporate, with perpetual succession and power to sue and be sued in its own name. The liability of members shall be limited to the amount of subscription due by them and they shall have no right to the property of the Society. The Society shall operate within the Republic of South Africa.
The purpose of the Society is to promote all aspects pertaining to the health of children with heart disease.
The Society shall:
There shall be the following classes of members: –
Membership shall terminate: –
as general business.
The Paediatric Cardiac Society of South Africa (PCSSA) is a Special Interest Group within the South African Heart Association (SA Heart). The Paediatric Cardiac Society of South Africa is part of the legal entity that is SA Heart Association and will therefore be run subject to the same rules as regards financial management, fiscal policy and in accordance to the ethics of SA Heart Association.
The Society shall have all the powers needed to fulfil its objective and, without prejudicing the generality of its powers may: –
Donations & remunerations should be governed by the laws related to Public Benefit Organisations: Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962 as amended), The Taxation Laws Amendment Act,
No. 30 of 2000, which came into operation on 15 July 2001 and under section 21 of the Companies Act, 1973
In order to meet the requirements of the Non-profit Organisations Act number 71 of 1997 and of the Director of Fundraising, the following provisions shall apply:-
13.1 The Society shall operate throughout South Africa.
13.2 No member of the Executive committee may have a direct interest in or benefit from any contract
that the Society may conclude with any company.
13.3 Paid officials of the Society may serve on the management in an advisory capacity but will have
no voting rights.
13.4 Should the services of a professional fund-raiser be used for the collection of contributions, the
expenses (remuneration and/or commission included) may not exceed 40% of the total proceeds
of the collection.
13.5 The financial year of the Society shall end on 31 March each year.
13.6 All proposed amendments to the constitution should be submitted to the Executive committee for
13.7 If upon dissolution there remain any assets whatsoever after the payment of all debts and
liabilities, such assets shall not be paid to or distributed among its members, but shall be given
to the SA Heart Association. Should SA Heart not be existence then the assets may be paid to
any other non-profit organisations having similar objectives as may be decided either by the
members at the general meeting at which it was decided to dissolve the Association.
15.1 The society may be dissolved in terms of a resolution passed by two-thirds of the members
present at a meeting of which 21 day’s notice has been given. The notice shall state that the
question of dissolution of the Society, the reasons and the disposal of the assets shall be
15.2 If there is no quorum at such a meeting, the meeting shall stand adjourned for not less than one
week and the members attending the adjoined meeting of which further notice shall be given,
shall constitute a quorum.
15.3 On dissolution the net assets of the Society shall be paid to SA Heart. If SA Heart is not in
existence then the assets shall be paid to another non profit institution in the Republic of South
Africa, which has similar aims and is itself exempted from the payment of income tax, donations
tax and estate duty.
Any person may lay a complaint against any member of the Society, staff person, officer or Executive Committee member or officer with the Executive Committee, which shall without delay call for a full statement from the complainant. If the Executive Committee considers there is merit in the complaint it shall follow the following procedure until the matter has been resolved.