Congenital Heart Week 2023

Congenital Heart Week 7 to 14 February 2023 – Celebrated throughout South Africa

By Prof J A Joshi

Congenital heart disease is one of the commonest abnormalities in new born babies. 1 in 1000 babies are born with some form of cardiac disease.

In February we celebrated congenital heart (CHD) week across all the units across the country involved in caring for children with heart diseases.

Activities  included creating an awareness about the symptoms of CHD in children as well as celebrating with the little heros who have endured the journey of cardiac surgery.

The Children’s Heart Disease Research Unit based at the University of Cape Town hosted a successful training workshop for nursing staff involved in the care of children with CHD. This event was very well attended. The Paediatric Cardiac Society provided sponsorship for 8 nursing sisters from Durban, Pretoria, Johannesburg and Bloemfontein to attend this excellent workshop.

Prof Lindy Mitchell was the guest speaker at a function organized by heartKIDS. A parent support group that is focused on providing support and information for parents of children with CHD. The event was in the form of a big walk held on the 15 February.

Social media was abuzz with flyers and banners from the PCSSA creating awareness around CHD.

Below is a photographic tour of the celebrations hosted by the various units.

Red Cross Children’s Hospital  – Cape Town
