The Paediatric Cardiac Society of South Africa is a professional association of paediatric cardiologists and cardiac surgeons with our major objective being to improve the quality of care for children with congenital and acquired heart disease. We hold promotion of research, support of education and training and advocacy as our central tenets. We are a special interest group of SA Heart Association and are strongly affiliated to PASCAR, the Pan-African society of cardiology – thus answering to the needs of the children of all of Africa. It is the primary advocacy group for children with heart disease in South Africa and indeed our continent.
We invite you to browse our website, download information, and send us your comments and questions. We endeavor to be relevant to both families and professionals. Membership is open and is not restricted to South Africa or South Africans and we actively encourage participation from colleagues in Southern Africa. We also encourage all families and patients to receive our newsletters and to follow us on twitter or Facebook.
Together, we aim to increase the awareness of congenital heart disease in our country and continent and work to ensure that all children with heart disease have full access to appropriate services.